Mateusz Hess
Events Associate
Matt is an iCASE PhD student in Chemical Biology at King’s College London, joined with industrial partner - Fluidic Analytics (Cambridge). Matt’s doctoral interdisciplinary project combines synthetic chemistry and molecular biology to study key intermolecular interactions of an important oncogenic protein- p53. He has been responsible for organising networking days, seminars, and events for postgraduates in the Department of Chemistry. Prior to his PhD, Matt was a research scientist for SporeGen working on a nasal COVID vaccine, as well as novel therapeutic probiotic strains of Bacillus. His master's thesis was sponsored by a private venture, PrepWorld, where he was using sequencing technology and machine learning, to solve the problem of food spoilage.
Matt’s extensive interaction with the industry throughout his studies have sparked his interest in the world of biotech start-ups. He participated in The Entrepreneurial Process 2022 cohort at Birkbeck, as well as BiotechYES 2022 at University of Nottingham. He’s hoping to grow together with the rest of Innovation Forum Team and apply his skill and expertise in the future biotech ventures he is planning.